Sort By Date Title (A-Z) Title (Z-A) Articular Congruity Is Associated with Short-Term Clinical Outcomes of Operatively Treated SER IV Ankle Fractures August 12, 2014 Plantar Pressures Following Anterior Tibialis Tendon Transfers in Children with Clubfoot August 12, 2014 The Diagnostic Triad of Orphan Heel Syndrome: Posterior Tibial and Peroneal Artery Occlusive Disease, Poorly Controlled Diabetes and Renal Failure August 12, 2014 Gastrocsoleus Recession Techniques: An Anatomical and Biomechanical Study in Human Cadavers August 12, 2014 Anterograde Percutaneous Treatment for Lesser Metatarsal Fractures: Technique Description and Clinical Results August 12, 2014 Symptomatic Venous Thromboembolism Uncommon without Thromboprophylaxis After Isolated Lower-Limb Fracture: The Knee-to-Ankle Fracture (KAF) Cohort Study August 12, 2014 A New Look at the Hawkins Classification for Talar Neck Fractures: Which Features of Injury and Treatment Are Predictive of Osteonecrosis? August 12, 2014 Clinical Characteristics of Foot Ulceration in People with Chronic Gout August 12, 2014 The Use of a Syndesmosis Procedure for the Treatment of Hallux Valgus August 11, 2014 Comparison of Arthrodesis, Resurfacing Hemiarthroplasty, and Total Joint Replacement in the Treatment of Advanced Hallux Rigidus August 11, 2014 The Estimated Sensitivity and Specificity of Compartment Pressure Monitoring for Acute Compartment Syndrome August 11, 2014 Accelerated Versus Traditional Rehabilitation After Anterior Talofibular Ligament Reconstruction for Chronic Lateral Instability of the Ankle in Athletes. August 11, 2014 First Previous 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 Next Last