Extraskeletal Osteochondroma of the Foot

SLR - May 2010 - Jill Greenley

Ka-Siong Kho, V., Chen, W. (2010).  Extraskeletal Osteochondroma of the Foot. The Journal of the Chinese Medical Association, 73, 2010.

Scientific Literature Review

Reviewed by:  Jill Greenley, DPM
Residency Program:  St. John Hospital and Medical Center, Detroit, MI.

Podiatric Relevance:
This case study provides a review for physical findings, imaging studies, differential diagnoses, and treatment for an extraskeletal osteochondroma.

A 62-year-old male presented with a painful dorsal mass to the right foot.  Radiographs and T1- and T2-weighted MRI images were taken.  The patient underwent complete marginal excision of the mass with histopathological analysis.  A complete chromosomal analysis of the patient was also performed. 

Radiographs revealed an ossified soft tissue density to the proximal phalanx of the 4th digit without joint or osseous destruction.  MRI showed an enhanced soft tissue mass with amorphous hypointense and non-enhanced ossified tissue.  Intraoperatively, the soft tissue mass was a defined, lobulated, firm mass with calcifications.  Microscopic analysis revealed mature chondroid tissue with ossified lamellar bone, and subsequently a diagnosis of extraskeletal osteochondroma was made.  Chromosomal analysis was devoid of any abnormality.

This article provides a valuable review of information in regards to an extraskeletal osteochondroma of the foot.  This article suggests MRI is the paramount study in combination with clinical correlation and histopathological analysis for diagnosis of an extraskeletal osteochondroma.  Optimal treatment for recurrence is re-excision of the mass.  Review of the extraskeletal osteochondroma, a benign mass, is significant when in comparison to similar malignant masses such as the chondrosarcoma.