Safety and hospital costs of Achilles tendon surgery: the serendipitous impact of a randomized clinical trial

SLR - June 2011 - Jonathan L. Brown (2)

Reference:  Goel, D; Chan, D; Watson, K; Mohtadi, N. (2009).  Safety and hospital costs of Achilles tendon surgery: the serendipitous impact of a randomized clinical trial.  Canadian Journal of Surgery, 52(6).

Scientific Literature Review

Reviewed by:  Jonathan L. Brown, DPM
Residency Program:  DVA San Francisco

Podiatric Relevance: 
Achilles tendon rupture is a common pathology treated by podiatrists.  There is little literature suggesting whether inpatient versus outpatient therapy is superior, not in just patient performance, but in cost comparison.  

This study is an observational analytical retrospective chart review of all patients surgically treated for acute Achilles tendon ruptures at all Calgary-area hospitals over a 3-year period.  The two populations of patients examined in this study were between a group enrolled in a Multicenter Achilles Tendon Treatment Study (MATTS) treated as outpatients compared to the general population with a standard of care consisting of diagnosis confirmation, orthopedic referral, and admittance for surgery.  Patients were analyzed across groups according to length of hospital stay and the related costs’ acquired.

Two hundred eighty-two charts were analyzed, with 33 patients in the MATTS group and 249 in the non-MATTS group.  The majority of the MATTS patients (27 of 33; 82%) had same-day surgery, while only 5 of 33 (15.2%) stayed overnight in the hospital.  Only 1 patient (3%) stayed 2 days.  Of the non-MATTS group, only 11% (27 of 249) had same-day surgery, whereas the majority (95 of 249; 38%) stayed for 1 night and 5% (12 of 249) stayed 2 nights.  In the MATTS group, the average cost per patient for a same-day surgery was $682, and the average for an overnight stay was $1237.  The average same-day surgery cost per patient in the non-MATTS group was $669 and the $1709 for 1 or more nights. 

Rupture of the Achilles tendon is a common injury that is frequently treated with surgical repair.  This study concludes that surgical treatment of Achilles ruptures is both safe and less costly when performed on an outpatient basis.