ACFAS Board of Directors Nominations

ACFAS Board of Director Candidate Applications 

Due September 27, 2024

The ACFAS Nominations Committee is looking for the best and the brightest to serve on the ACFAS Board of Directors.  If you believe you are qualified and have reviewed the information on this page, please submit your application by September 27, 2024.   

Submit Your Board Nomination Application

Applicant Resources

2024 Nominations & Election Dates & Deadlines

  • September 27 – Candidate applications due
  • October 2 – Committee selects candidates for interview
  • October 21, 22 or 23 (evening) –  Candidate interviews with Nominations Committee
  • By October 23 – Candidates finalized by committee
  • October 29 – Candidate platform statements and profile due
  • December 2 - Election opens
  • December 16 – Election closes


The ACFAS Board of Directors is composed of eleven Fellows. There will be 3 open positions in the election (2 three-year terms and 1 two-year term) and two possible Incumbent candidates. Directors govern strategically through four basic roles: 

  1. Setting the College’s strategic vision, mission, and goals based on member survey input.
  2. Allocating financial and human resources to match the strategic plan.
  3. Empowering its committees, task forces, and staff to operate unencumbered within the framework of the College’s mission, strategic plan, and policies.
  4. Adopting professional policies and statements that will shape the future of the specialty and promote superior care for foot and ankle surgical patients.

 While any Fellow is eligible to serve, the Nominating Committee is especially interested in potential candidates who have demonstrated leadership qualities in the following areas and agree to the following guidelines:

  • Past service on ACFAS committee(s) or task forces(s). Demonstrated leadership as a committee chair is highly desired. 
  • Attendance at recent Annual Scientific Conference(s) and other College events.
  • Board experience in other member- or donor-based organizations (including non-podiatric groups).
  • Articulates a clear and progressive vision for the profession and the College.
  • A willingness to represent the membership as a whole, thinks strategically, and works well in a team atmosphere. 
  • Is independent and respected in the profession.

Board Nomination Application

Please review the required document submissions below. Applicants should create a separate file for each of the four (4) items and be sure they are clearly labeled: 

  1. ONE-PAGE SUMMARY CURRICULUM VITAE - No CV longer than one-page will be accepted, however speaking roles and published papers may be uploaded as a separate document.
  2. PAST SERVICE ON ACFAS COMMITTEES OR TASK FORCES – List the group name and date(s) of service. List any Chair positions held. Do not list speaking/author roles here, see item one for these.
  3. BOARD OF DIRECTORS EXPERIENCE IN OTHER MEMBER- OR DONOR-BASED ORGANIZATIONS. Not limited to podiatry. Examples: Served as a board director on a non-profit United Way or state podiatric medical association. (If an officer, list all positions.)
  4. OPEN-ENDED QUESTION (no more than one-page). Please state your vision for the future of foot and ankle surgery and how the College can achieve that vision. Well-articulated, visionary descriptions are desired.

If you have any questions regarding board service or the nominating process, please contact ACFAS CEO Patrick (PJ) Andrus at Thank you for your interest in serving the College and the specialty!


Submit your Board Nomination Application now.